
The Journey through the Interactive Story...

The Journey through the Interactive Story, Hilary McLellan:

McLellan talks about how multimedia storytellers must have use of multi linear paths to have the audience discover and explore those paths.
"The multimedia storyteller must be a world-builder, creating minature universes that have their own internal states and mysteries to be discovered by peeling back layers of space and layers of meaning; realms for the audience to explore via the thread of the story."
She also talks about how with multimedia the users can go through the journey of the story and experience emotional satisfactory.
"With multimedia, the story can provide a compelling reason to pursue a journey through the virtual world, together with the emotional satisfaction of an engrossing trajectory through the experience."
I think she needs to define the term multimedia as terms like these are sometimes quite tricky to comprehend as they are broadly used in different ways. Although I think she means the use of intereactivity is part of it too as she talks about 'realms for the audience to explore via the thread of the story' which is not possible without the means of interactivity.
"Interactivity helps to create a sense of action and movement, but it should be fundamental to the story, not something trivial and unrelated, or the spell of immersion is broken."
It is important how the interactivity is used as it has to be relevant to be able to enhance or aid an experience.

1 comment:

Be nice..