
The myth of interactivity...

The myth of interactivity, Lev Manovich:

Lev talks about different levels of interactivity because the word is just too broadly used. An example of different levels of this would be open and closed interactivity, open meaning more than one way of interacting with it and closed meaning only one way of interacting with it. He talks about how old media is also interactive, detail of visual art, architectures that you have to walk around to experience the whole structure.
"Now interactive media asks us to click on a highlighted setence to go to another sentence. In short, we are asked to follow pre-programmed, objectively existing associations."

"Interactive media ask us to identify with someone else's mental structure. If the cinema viewer, male or female, lusted after and tried to emulate the body of the movie star, the computer user is asked to follow the mental trajectory of the media designer."
It is interesting that the design of the interactive media is the mental trajectory of the designer as I have never thought about it like that. This gives me a few ideas on how I can incorporate this into an idea.

Words that come into mind:

brain, in, out, thought, mental, conscious, programmed, rules, walls, identify, someone else

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