
The Matrix...

The Matrix is a sci-fi action film released in 1999.

The idea behind the film is that, what people perceive as reality is actually the Matrix. The Matrix is a simulated reality: the world we think we're living in is the simulated reality. The real world in the film 'The Matrix' is a run down war zone with only one surviving city with humans in the entire planet.

I think the concept of 'The Matrix' is a tricky one to understand as I never got the idea first time watching. The citizens of the Matrix therefore doesn't really experience anything as the whole "world" is one big simulation, and they're probably unconsciously wrapped up in a pod somewhere in the real world. Although it is debatable whether the simulation is a real experience itself.

If compared to the film 'Strange Days' then the SQUID recordings played via the Mini Disc are real, as they're real happenings from real people. But in 'The Matrix' the world is one big simulation and nothing is real nor are the people conscious.

The comparison of reality and simulated experience is an interesting but complicated matter to discuss. Although it has given me ideas of how I can play with experience.

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