
The Lawnmower Man...

The Lawnmower Man is about a character named Jode who suffers from mental retardation. One day he is shown some virtual reality games that he soon becomes involved in and participates in an experiment. Using drugs enhancments, virtual reality and cortex stimulation, Jode's intellegence starts to increase. He soon finds himself having telekinetic powers and a strong connection to computers and is able to manipulate virtual reality.

This is an interesting idea of a man increasing his intellence from the aid of computers. I like the idea of the computer giving him strength, upgrading him from a mentally retarded person to a kind of super human. He is also able to harness much more power when in virtual reality and the ambition of ringing every telephone in the world simultaniously proves his level of potential.

In a way the computer really has given us an increase in intellegence and power, but not on such an exagerrated degree. We increase our intellengence by searching up topics to learn on the internet and we can connect to multiple people to just about anywhere in the world via instant messengers.


EMA Adverts...

Below are two adverts promoting EMA to students.

The style of this animation is interesting, it's a scenery blended with real life pictures. The set or background of the animation is reconstructed using photos taken from various places and the hand is green screened into this set. I had something like this in my mind when I was thinking about what styles to use when I'm going to film the first and last sequences of my video as they're meant to represent the real world. I think this would be an interesting choice to use rather than filming the standard sequence.

Proposal Re-editted...

Waikit Kan

'Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity and gives it and idea of which it was not before possessed'

The Digital Stroll

After having read all the quotes, I have decided to base my exam project on Joseph Addison's quote. My decision for choosing this quote is because I find it more open to different ideas than the others, based on my first thoughts. To sum the quote up in a couple of words, I would have to say the quote defines a new experience.

For my exam project, my idea is to create an animated video. The idea I will be using is taken from Sherry Turkles book 'Life On The Screen'. She quotes:

"The computer offers us both new models of mind and a new medium on which to project our ideas and fantasies." (Turkle, 1995, p.9)

My idea is that, in the reality we are limited to experiencing whatever exists in this world. The computer takes that limit away. It has offered us perpetual amounts of new experiences, all from the imagination.

To put this idea into work, the video will start of with a green screened person walking along some urban scenery. The person enjoys the urban scenery until it repeats, then grows tired of it and he starts to ignore the scenery. He carries on walking and passes through a portal. The urban scenery starts to digitise, the person and the scenery turns into graphics. He carries on walking through the urban scenery and piece by piece the scenery changes into the countryside. He takes notice of this new scenery and again piece by piece, the scenery starts to change into the sea. He walks on the sea and various objects go past. The sea drains and he starts to fall endlessly passing objects in the sky. He then lands on sand and walks along the desert. He passes unusual objects in the desert before the scenery slowly changes back into the urban scenery piece by piece. He walks along the urban scenery and passes through a portal and the graphics change back into real life. SLIGHTLY EXTENDED!!!!!

The concept is playing with the imagination in the digital world, the guy will walk across a variety of places each of which will become more weird. It will show that the digital world offers experiences that cannot be obtained in real life.


TURKLE S, 1995. Life on the screen: identity in the age of the internet. New York NY: TOUCHSTONE.



This is an animation about a song called TV BOY by Masahito and Kotubu

I am drawn into this video because of its strangeness. It seems to revolve around a character who has a TV for a head. I do not understand the lyrics but I assume it is animating to the lyrics. I like the simplicity of the video, there's nothing complex or fancy looking in it but still manages to keep an interest for the viewer with its animation, colours and weirdness.

The Matrix...

The Matrix is a sci-fi action film released in 1999.

The idea behind the film is that, what people perceive as reality is actually the Matrix. The Matrix is a simulated reality: the world we think we're living in is the simulated reality. The real world in the film 'The Matrix' is a run down war zone with only one surviving city with humans in the entire planet.

I think the concept of 'The Matrix' is a tricky one to understand as I never got the idea first time watching. The citizens of the Matrix therefore doesn't really experience anything as the whole "world" is one big simulation, and they're probably unconsciously wrapped up in a pod somewhere in the real world. Although it is debatable whether the simulation is a real experience itself.

If compared to the film 'Strange Days' then the SQUID recordings played via the Mini Disc are real, as they're real happenings from real people. But in 'The Matrix' the world is one big simulation and nothing is real nor are the people conscious.

The comparison of reality and simulated experience is an interesting but complicated matter to discuss. Although it has given me ideas of how I can play with experience.

Strange Days...

Strange Days is a cyberpunk sci-fi film released in 1995.

The film revolves around SQUID recordings: a recording of someones memory and experiences directly from their brain. These recordings are played back using Mini Disc-like devices. The users will experience anything that the SQUID has recorded as if they are doing it themselves. The protagonist deals in erotic SQUID recordings and one day receives a disc which shows someone he knows getting murdered.

I like the concept of being able to pass around recorded experiences. The experience is therefore not a unique one to the person anymore. In the film these experiences are portrayed like products, able to buy them as if it's almost like a holiday but able to experience more than just what a holiday could offer. The possibilities of these devices can be good but it can be equally as bad, exploiting the dark sides of what people have experienced.


Life on the Screen...

Life on the Screen by Sherry Turkle

"The computer offers us both new models of mind and a new medium on which to project our ideas and fantasies."

In the reality we are limited to experiencing whatever exists in this world. The computer takes that limit away. It has offered us perpetual amounts of new experiences, all from the imagination. Better yet, it has allowed a greater extent of people to experience more things.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button...

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a short story published during 1921. It was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. A film adaptation was made in 2008, based on the short story.

The story is about the life of a person called Benjamin Button. He was born with the physical traits of an old man, but as he ages, he becomes younger. Eventually his body ages into an infant.

The idea of someone physically aging backwards is something that really caught my attention. It's uncomprehendable how a boy with a physical feat of an old man could feel like, likewise, when his mental age turns old, his body becomes a child. His experience in life would be twisted. Normally the mind and body would work together in the flow of getting older. When the body works in the complete opposite, it's hard to even try to understand how the mind and body collaborates.

This has really got me thinking in how an experience can also be something out of the norm as well as weird and not just something new.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a childrens book published in 1969.

I used to read this book as a child. It is about a hungry caterpillar who eats different foods each day for 7 days, and on the next day it wraps itself up and becomes a butterfly.

I enjoy the idea of the caterpillar being born and then eating its way through a variety of foods, and then suddenly hatch into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillars journey throughout the story builds up for the finale of the birth of the butterfly. I see the story like a balloon being filled up day by day ready for the big pop soon to happen when it gets too full.


Animorphs is an English written sci-fi series aimed for young adults. Published from 1996 to 2001 and consists of 54 books and 10 companion books.

"Five humans, one of whom eventually becomes a hawk, and one alien obtain the ability to morph into any animal they touch; they name themselves "Animorphs", a portmanteau of "animal morphers". Using their ability, they battle a secret alien infiltration of Earth. It is told in first person, with a different narrator in every book."

I find the concept of the animal morphs quite compelling. It would be amazing to even just imagine what experience they go through to turn into the animal they touch. What kind of things they feel, see, sense and hear, and how restricting or free would it be to be trapped inside an animal.


Growing Old...

'Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surpirse, gratifies its curiositym and gives it and idea of which it was not before possessed'

After having read all the quotes, I have decided to base my exam project on Joseph Addison's quote. My decision for choosing this quote is because I find it more open to different ideas than the others, based on my first thoughts. To sum the quote up in a couple of words, I would have to say the quote defines a new experience.

For my exam project, my idea is to create an animated video. The concept I will be using is to try and make the quote alive. The quote will start as a person is born. As the person experiences new things, the quote becomes more valid. As the person grows older and experiences almost everything, the quote starts to fade because there is nothing new or uncommon left to experience. When the person dies, so does the quote as there is nothing left to experience.

To put this concept into work, I will be creating a short story of a child growing into an old person and then passing away. It starts off with a young child experiencing everything as they grow, most of which the experiences would be new. As the child grows older he sees more, and new or uncommon things become more rare. As the child grows up and becomes old, he has seen most things and almost nothing pleases his imagination anymore. The man passes away and he can't experience anything anymore.

The music will change throughout the video as the child grows into a man, and as the man grows old.

Stop motion with wolf and pig...

This is an interesting video I found on Youtube about an animation of a wolf and a pig. It's done using stop motion animation techniques but takes its further. The animator printed out over 1000 pictures and has animated the video around his house. He uses some clever concepts to adapt the pictures around the house. The pictures are not solely focused on the main characters themselves but also provide for the surrounding scenery.

This is an intriguing type of animation I could think about using for my video. The trailing pictures could represent the experiences my character goes through.


Nintendo 64!!!!!!!!...

This clip shows two children expressing their joy for when they see that a Nintendo 64 was given to them for Christmas.

The quote Addison uses 'because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise' suits this video clip very well.

Thorpe Park...

The two clips below are from a series of adverts shown on TV for new rides at Thorpe Park. I thought these particular adverts were interesting because they focus on one person and the the person riding on the attraction. This could signify that the advert itself could be the actual experience of the persons ride or their interpretation of the ride.

This first clips shows the person looking up at the ominous ride as if its the first time he has seen something like this, giving the impression that the ride is mighty and dominating. You then see the persons expression while he is riding the attraction, and his mind kind of flies off to space when the ride reaches its highest peak which could signify the grandness and height of the ride. He then shows a variety of expressions afterward showing the ride has not ended.

This advert shows a guy standing bare footed in a bathtub full of ice cubes. His expression looks like he is really surprised about this, or even scarred from some sort of experience. He looks down and lava is beneath his feet and we see the ride being used. This could be the memory of when he was riding the attraction, possbly the first time as he look like he was still recovering from it.


Xbox 360 Advert...

These are a series of Xbox 360 adverts released late 2008. I thought these adverts can relate to the Addison quote nicely, on how 'it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise'. In religion and philosophy, the soul can mean the essence of a human being but it is also often considered to be synonymous with the mind.

Each clip shows a person expressing their excitement in slow motion. The camera orbits around their heads and reveals a miniature theatre in place of the back of their heads. The miniature theatre could signify what is going through their minds, or their interpretation of excitement in their heads.


Joseph Addison

Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.

A quote from Joseph Addison who was an English poet, essayist and politician. It came from an essay of his, written on Monday, June 21, 1712.

I chose this quote because I thought it was an interesting one to work with. Everyone sees different thing within their lifetime, some things may seem common to some people but may also seem new to others. The quote is open to almost anything from objects, sounds, visuals to feelings, taste and smell. To sum the quote up in one word, I would have to say the quote defines an experience.