
D and AD Evaluation...

For the D and AD project we had the choice of choosing any appropriate brief we wanted. I decided to create a 2:15 minute music video for the piece of music “Pigsy in Space” by Damon Albarn. I found that the music was very hard to draw out any ideas so it took a while before coming up with a concept. I think the outcome of the music video could have been a lot better, I didn’t think that the message I was trying to explain was very clear in some parts and the two styles I’ve tried to use as a transition through the different eras was not effective at all as they both seemed too similar. The challenge in this brief was the music as I found it dull and doesn’t play around with levels of sound too much but it was a good experience in trying to work with a difficult piece of music.

I could have worked into the styles a lot more to define and separate the two and also could have played with the colour palette and experimented with it more. I would like to have taken a different approach if I had to do this animation again, I would have tried out other techniques for animating such as a hybrid of real life video and digital artwork.